Few parents realize how malleable the facial bones of a six-year-old child are and how quickly things like ‘leaving the mouth open’ or ‘sucking the thumb’ can spoil a child’s appearance forever (see below).

It is difficult for a layperson to know if the face of a young child is growing correctly because most young children look cute (see above) but Orthotropists® are trained to recognise the early signs of poor facial growth so that treatment can be started in time. It may be too late at 8 (see above).
Many websites promote orthodontic practices by showing beautiful women with straight teeth, often models that have never been treated. So ask to see your orthodontist’s own results before and after treatment, with photos taken from the side to see the true facial changes and compare them with the Orthotropic® faces on this page. Faces taken from the front can be misleading especially if they are smiling. If your dentist or orthodontist offers you Orthotropics® we suggest that you check that they are fully registered on www.orthotropics.com ‘Find a clinician’. Be suspicious if they say they might extract teeth or use invisible braces or ‘train tracks’ all of which can harm faces.
We also suggest that you ask for a photo of the side of the face before they start treatment, to check that the face is not damaged. Recent research has shown that dentists much prefer Orthotropic results but often do not recommend it because ‘it is complex and takes a long time’. Many orthodontists mislead patients by telling them they will not extract teeth when in fact orthodontic treatment nearly always results in four or eight extractions, while Orthotropics® should provide every young child with room for 32 teeth (see below).