Orthotropics – John Mew
After qualifying in 1953, John Mew studied Maxilo-facial surgery, before moving to orthodontics in 1965. For many years he remained very much within the establishment becoming president of the Southern Counties Branch of the British Dental Association in 1971. He was honoured with life membership of the British Dental Association in 1999.
His surgical training at East Grinstead gave him the opportunity to study occlusal and TMD problems. He also observed the facial changes that followed the repositioning of its skeletal components; especially the Maxilla. Noticing that many facial problems appeared to have environmental origins, he became interested in early facial growth and the factors which might influence it.
In 1958 he put forward the ‘Tropic Premise’ which suggested that malocclusion was a ‘Postural Deformity’ and that irregular teeth were not necessarily inherited. He became concerned that the mechanics of orthodontic treatment could be harmful to facial growth, and over the subsequent 20 years developed the concept of facial ‘Growth Guidance’ [Orthotropics®] and the ‘Biobloc’ system of treatment. At the time the establishment labelled him a maverick and applied enormous political, legal and financial pressure to prevent him from using many procedures that are now commonplace.
He wrote a number of scientific papers and a full length text book about his technique “Biobloc”, and lectured and/or taught in most countries in the world, where he set up many study groups.
About Orthotropics
The following articles are divided into information aimed at the general public and technical articles accessible by practitioners registered on this site.
Information available to the public
Orthotropic proof – can jaw surgery be avoided?
Orthodontic research suggests that it is not possible to increase jaw growth by more than two or possibly 3 millimetres.
How wide is your Maxilla?
I believe the average upper jaw should be about 44 millimetres for a man and about 42 for a woman.
How necessary is surgery?
I would hope that all orthotropists would be able to avoid surgery for children under eight.
General Information
Bibliography of Useful References
A Ackerman, D. “A natural history of the sences”. Cornell University. 1990. Alexander SA 1993 The effect of fixed and functional appliances on enamel decalcifications
Balance the Evidence
It is not easy to balance the two sides of an argument, and remain uninfluenced by the number of people supporting each viewpoint. Because this
Common Sense in Science
Established beliefs are maintained until they can be convincingly displaced, and even then tend to linger on. This is especially true in the medical sciences,
Orthodontics Facts and Figures
WHAT DO ORTHODONTISTS DO? Orthodontists straighten teeth. Until 1999 more than half of the orthodontics in the UK was done by general dentists but after
Pros and Cons of Orthotropics and Orthodontics
Train Tracks and extractions Advantages. Will reliably achieve good alignment of the teeth within 18 to 24 months. Widely available. Registered orthodontists are University trained. Treatment
Scientific Evidence
Orthodontic clinicians in the past have been severely criticised by scientists for ignoring the scientific evidence. Here are some of the comments about orthodontics from
Extraction versus Non-extraction
The treatment of irregular teeth has evolved over the last century, largely by trial and error. Many types of treatment have been tried during this
Can Orthodontics Damage Your Face?
The attractiveness of a child’s face depends largely on two things:• The shape of their parents faces• Whether their face grows forwards or downwards. While
Does Facial Appearance Matter?
Babies. Babies as young as three months strongly prefer attractive mums to unattractive mums (Samuels 1985). Attractive babies receive more affection and attention from there parents
What Can Mothers Do?
Allergies and blocked noses can start soon after birth. They are a response to tiny particles of dust in the air, and are becoming increasingly
What Are the Early Signs of Crooked Teeth?
So many attractive children grow up to be plain teenagers. This was the concern which brought this group of dentists and orthodontists together to advise
What Causes Crooked Teeth?
Primitive people mostly had straight teeth, but in industrialised populations, crooked teeth are common. Modern living also affects the shape of the jaws and in
Balance the Evidence
The Final Balance
Orthotropic® results may be considered best by patients and dentists but it is not popular with orthodontists because of the prolonged treatment and greater commitment required.
Timing and Costs
Orthotropics® requires many years extra training; also guiding growth is more complex and takes longer than extractions and mechanics.

Is it right to change the shape of the face?
Orthotropics can achieve much greater changes to the shape of the face.

What is the best thing to do if the front teeth stick out?
If the front teeth ‘stick out’ more than eight millimetres many orthodontists consider surgery inevitable.

What should be done if the top teeth are behind the bottom?
Fortunately Orthotropics® can move bones ten or more millimetres.

Showing how the face improves if the oral posture is corrected
Showing how the face improves if the oral posture is corrected.

What goes wrong?
Few parents realize how malleable the facial bones of a six-year-old child are.

Orthodontic Treatment with Extractions
Research showed the improvement on the face and teeth using the Orthotropic method was ‘highly significant’.

Orthotropics instead of surgery
These patients were told they needed jaw surgery but were treated with Orthotropics instead. ‘Orthognathic Surgery’

Temporo-Mandibular Disfunction (Painful Jaw Joints)
She had had persistent TMD pain which recurred if she left her splint out. She wore a Stage 3 Biobloc for 20 months and as

Class II div 2 Malocclusions (Teeth back and Gummy smile)
Forward Growth Benefits Class II/2.
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What makes good research
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Pushing the teeth out of the bone
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Fixed appliances
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Does Orthotropic treatment always work?
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Orthotropics Cry for unity
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Two reasons why facial retrusion may be underestimated
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