Mewers Competition

John Mews is offering a prize of £1000 to a registered Mewer who can demonstrate the most forward growth.


Hello Mewers you have seen how holding your jaw and tongue correctly can make big changes in the growth of your face. Now we are giving a £1000 to whoever does it best. Most of the improvement is due to forward growth but this is not easy to measure. So we have created a gadget for measuring the amount your face has grown.

Take a photo of the side of your face at 10 feet distance (3 metres). It must be at true right angles to avoid distortion and you must hold a millimetre ruler in front of your nose to establish the scale. After a period take another photo and then paste the two pictures into the Gnathiometer and it will automatically measure how far your chin has grown forward.

Below is an example. It will take a year or two before anyone has grown enough and then a £1000 will be given to whoever achieves most. You will need to understand three points on your face the Tragus is the lobe of your ear. The Nasion is where your spectacles rest and the Gnathion is the point of your chin. Make sure you mark the same area each time.


Gnathiometer before and afetr example picture

Already a registered Mewer:

Mewers Registration Form

Registering as a Mewer gives you access to the Gnathiometer at a discounted fee of £10.

The Gnathiometer will help you to accurately measure forward growth.

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