Disagreement with Orthodontists
My Learning Experience
Impacted Canines
Approximately 3½% of all children will develop Impacted Canines.
Orthotropic proof – can jaw surgery be avoided?
Orthodontic research suggests that it is not possible to increase jaw growth by more than two or possibly 3 millimetres.
Biobloc treatment
Biobloc treatment to achieve 20 to 30mm of forward growth.
How wide is your Maxilla?
I believe the average upper jaw should be about 44 millimetres for a man and about 42 for a woman.
How necessary is surgery?
I would hope that all orthotropists would be able to avoid surgery for children under eight.
International Association of Facial Growth Guidance
The History and Purpose of the International Association of Facial Growth Guidance (Orthotropics)
Forward Growth
There is little difference in the alignment between 32 teeth and 28 teeth, or even 24.