Adult Treatment

Biobloc treatment instead of surgery.
Orthotropics instead of surgery

These patients were told they needed jaw surgery but were treated with Orthotropics instead. ‘Orthognathic Surgery’
Temporo-Mandibular Disfunction (Painful Jaw Joints)

She had had persistent TMD pain which recurred if she left her splint out. She wore a Stage 3 Biobloc for 20 months and as a result of the forward growth her symptoms disappeared and did not return.
Open Bite Malocclusions (Some teeth do not meet)

Class III Malocclusions (Lower jaw in front of upper)

Class II div 2 Malocclusions (Teeth back and Gummy smile)

Forward Growth Benefits Class II/2.
Class II Malocclusions (Lower Jaw too small)

Class I Malocclusions (Both Jaws too small)