Can Orthodontics Damage Your Face?
The attractiveness of a child’s face depends largely on two things:• The shape of their parents faces• Whether their face grows forwards or downwards. While the first is fixed at conception, the second displays a range between ‘horizontal’ which orthodontists label favourable and ‘vertical’ which is considered unfavourable. Horizontal growth is associated with good looks, […]
Does Facial Appearance Matter?
Babies. Babies as young as three months strongly prefer attractive mums to unattractive mums (Samuels 1985). Attractive babies receive more affection and attention from there parents and other adults, and are more likely to grow up to be well balanced adults themselves. Children. Children grow up to believe that heroes are good looking, heroines are beautiful, […]
What Can Mothers Do?
Allergies and blocked noses can start soon after birth. They are a response to tiny particles of dust in the air, and are becoming increasingly common in industrial countries. The most common allergy is to house dust. You can see how much there is when a shaft of sunlight crosses a bedroom. If a newly […]
What Are the Early Signs of Crooked Teeth?
So many attractive children grow up to be plain teenagers. This was the concern which brought this group of dentists and orthodontists together to advise parents about early growth guidance or ‘orthotropics’. The most important thing is for parents to be aware that the growth of the face can go wrong and that this can […]
What Causes Crooked Teeth?
Primitive people mostly had straight teeth, but in industrialised populations, crooked teeth are common. Modern living also affects the shape of the jaws and in certain parts of India undershot chins are five times as common in privileged people as their close relatives who are very poor. Corruccini,R, et al 1983. Children faces can look very […]